Part 4 - Prototype Pollution Continue

So, today we will focus on Prototype Pollution Attack

What is Prototype Pollution?

The Prototype Pollution attack ( as the name suggests partially) is a form of attack (adding / modifying / deleting properties) to the Object prototype in Javascript, leading to logical errors, sometimes leading to the execution of fragments Arbitrary code on the system (Remote Code Execution — RCE).

This vulnerability has been discovered since 2018 in some popular JavaScript libraries, JQuery, and recently discovered this vulnerability in the Lodash library, one of the popular libraries

So, It is a loophole that makes Attackers able to change the properties of all objects in JS Code by manipulating a single object using the __proto__ but not limited to

JavaScript uses prototypes extensively to implement object inheritance. Basically, whatever you write into the prototype will be in the object instances

Some Notes :

  • Prototype pollution can be exploited at the front end

  • Payloads can be sent in similar fashion to reflected and stored XSS, and affect the behaviour of the front end for the victim recieving them

  • The most famous example of prototype pollution vulnerabilities is probably from jQuery - a client side library.

  • Vulnerable Library doesn’t mean your application is also vulnerable.

    • We need to figure out if we can able to exploit it or not
  • Understand what the application does with Javascript and than see if the vulnerability can be used somewhere.

  • Main feature of Prototype Pollution is

    • If we modify the prototype in one place
    • It will affect how the objects work throughout the entire application.
  • Overwriting the prototype of a default javascript object is considered a bad practice for a long time

  • If the prototype ** modified by attacker -> then it is **Prototype Pollution

    • It happens due to some unsafe merge***, **clone*, extend*** and **path assignment* operations on JSON objects obtained through user inputs.

    • So, we need to make a note of these operations

    • Not only , we can change the properties of one object but also we can even change or add properties to all the objects that run in our JS Code

    • e.g ->

      var a1 = {}; // empty object
      var a2 = {}; // empty object
      a1.__proto__.pwn = "Pwn by Aakash";
      Result -> Pwn by Aakash
      See -> we changed the obj a1 but we called obj a2 and still we got the result
  • So, we must understand those unsafe keywords about their nature i.e. functionality

    • merge => use to merge 2 objects together
    • The merge operation iterates through the source object and will add whatever property that is present in it to the target object
    • Remember -> This things makes things complicated if the source is supplied by a 3rd party.
  • Severity ?

    • Depend on our payload and application
    • If, able to bypass authorisation then impact is high
    • we can crash the application
    • If node.js = exec or eval => can lead to RCE
    • So -> it can cause other dangerous vulnerabilities such as RCE, IDOR, Bypass Auth and other vulnerabilities, namely XSS
  • How many libraries are affected?

    • 20+ known vulnerabilities across different packages that run on Node.js and the browser.
    • Like, lodash, jquery, hoek , npm etc

How Attacker pollute our prototype ?

Using ` proto` property

// Common Payload =>

  "foo": "bar",
  "__proto__": {
                  "polluted": "true",

So, If there is no sanitization on merge operation, then it will pollute our object properties

Difference between __proto_ and prototype

  • __proto__ is the actual object that is used in the lookup chain to resolve methods
  • prototype is the object that is used to build __proto__ when we create an object with new
  • So proto is the actual object that is saved and used as the prototype while prototype is just a blueprint for proto which, is infact the actual object saved and used as the protoype.
  • Hence myobject.prototype wouldnt be a property of the actual object because its just a temporary thing used by the constructor function to outline what myobject.proto should look like.
  • So proto is Javascript’s way to reference to the original prototype.
  • Remember, Every function is born with a prototype object
    • It is used as the shared prototype (parent) of the objects created by this function (invoked as constructor function)
  • The prototype is initially an empty object
    • we can add members to it.
    • Such all its children have access to these members (properties, methods) as well
  • So, prototype is just a property on every function in JavaScript with JS Engine adds for us.
  • Inheritance vs Delegation
    • **Inheritance ** -> COPY properties FROM
    • **Delegation ** -> LINK properties TO
    • All Objects ultimately delegate to Object.prototype


__proto__ -> property of all objects [except Object.create(null)]

**prototype ** -> property of all **constructor ** functions

**constructor ** -> property of all **prototype ** objects

i.e ->

Object.prototype.constuctor === Object // true

Function.prototype.constructor === Function // true

Function.constructor.prototype === Function.prototype

As, we know -> prototype is a property of Javascript function => Mean =>

that you do not have to add it, every Javascript function you have, automatically gets it.

Conclusion - proto vs prototype

The prototype is used to create proto Simple!

The subject of prototype is related to Javascript objects and object creation and relation

__proto__ is an internal property of an object, pointing to its prototype.

Instances have __proto__, classes have prototype.

proto is the actual object that is used in the lookup chain to resolve methods.

It is a property that all objects have

This is the property which is used by the JavaScript engine for inheritance

prototype is a property belonging only to functions.

It is used to build proto when the function happens to be used as a constructor with the new keyword

This is like

“if I don’t have a property or method that is requested of me, go to the object that this field references my prototype and look for it”. Since that object will also have this “prototype” field as well, this becomes a recursive process. It is what is meant by a prototype chain.

Best Answer =>

To explain let us create a function

 function a (name) { = name;

When JavaScript executes this code, it adds prototype property to a, prototype property is an object with two properties to it:

  1. constructor
  2. __proto__

So when we do

a.prototype it returns

     constructor: a  // function definition
    __proto__: Object

Now as you can see constructor is nothing but the function a itself and __proto__ points to the root level Object of JavaScript.

Let us see what happens when we use a function with new key word.

var b = new a ('JavaScript');

When JavaScript executes this code it does 4 things:

  1. It creates a new object, an empty object // {}
  2. It creates __proto__ on b and makes it point to a.prototype so b.__proto__ === a.prototype
  3. It executes a.prototype.constructor (which is definition of function a ) with the newly created object (created in step#1) as its context (this), hence the name property passed as ‘JavaScript’ (which is added to this) gets added to newly created object.
  4. It returns newly created object in (created in step#1) so var b gets assigned to newly created object.

Now if we add = "BMW" and do, the output “BMW” appears.

this is because when JavaScript executed this code it searched for car property on b, it did not find then JavaScript used b.__proto__ (which was made to point to ‘a.prototype’ in step#2) and finds car property so return “BMW”.

Example =>

var fooFunction =  function() {

console.log(fooFunction.prototype); // does not print undefined so its there
console.log(typeof fooFunction.prototype) // prints "object"


var regularObj = {
      id : 1,
      type : 'regularObject'

console.log(regularObj.prototype) // prints undefined

which confirms that prototype property is only available by default to Functions.

Prototype Chain

prototype chain as a chain of *command* request.

Its a chain that links you to where to go in other to get your requests answered.

And if you do not get an answer, it leads or points you to the next place where you can make the request again.

Think of a typical support call centre. A call comes in and a question is asked. if the call centre operative knows the answer, it is given. If not, most likely, the call would be directed to another department who would be better suited to provide the answer. This process of forwarding the request in other to get it answered may very well go on until an answer is provided or all possible source for an answer has been exhausted and at that point, the caller is told that his/her question/request can not be answered.

similar happens when you have an object and you call a property on it in Javascript.


What is a prototype?

A prototype is an object from which other objects inherit properties

Can any object be a prototype?


Which objects have prototypes?

Every object has a prototype by default. Since prototypes are themselves objects, every prototype has a prototype too. (There is only one exception, the default object prototype at the top of every prototype chain.)

what is an object ?

An object in JavaScript is any unordered collection of key-value pairs. If it’s not a primitive (undefined, null, boolean, number or string) it’s an object.

Old vs New ?

__proto__ -> Old one and IE Supports it Object.getPrototypeOf(object) -> New one and Supports Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE9 and introduced by ECMA 5

var a = {};
Object.getPrototypeOf(a); //[object Object]
a.__proto__; //[object Object]
//all browsers
//(but only if constructor.prototype has not been replaced and fails with Object.create)
a.constructor.prototype; //[object Object]

