Part 2 - Prototype Pollution Continue

In 1st Part We learned about objects,constructors, functions, and prototype.

But I still want to clear every basics and concepts related to prototype and objects before diving into attack i.e. Prototype Pollution

So, lets learn again about the same concept.

Table of Contents =>

  • Objects
  • Constructor
  • Prototypes
  • Summary
  • References

Object =>

Object is like container which contains collections of values or properties

This property structure is “key:value

Curly braces => {} ==> Use for Objects =>

var a = {
	firstName: 'Aakash',
	lastName: 'Choudhary',
	age: 30,
	country: 'India'

These => firstName,lastName,age,country => is properties

Just like we access array using their index[0-1] similarly we can access objects using **properties **

How we access it ?


Result =>

{firstName: "Aakash", lastName: "Choudhary", age: 30, country: "India"}
age: 30
country: "India"
firstName: "Aakash"
lastName: "Choudhary"
__proto__: Object


//suppose want to particular property =>

console.log(a.firstName) => Aakash

//Using console.log => will give result on console

//Another way => document.write(a) => Print on page

Now remember => this a => is actually object which have collections of values or properties like firstName etc

And this (a.firstName) => dot(.) => is called dot notation which is use to access object’s properties

Also, we can use arrays in objects and also we can use functions in objects

How we can use arrays and functions ?

var a = {
	array : ['Aakash','loves','sharing','knowledge'],
	fun : function(){
		return 'power';


{array: Array(4), fun: ƒ}
array: (4) ["Aakash", "loves", "sharing", "knowledge"]
fun: ƒ ()
arguments: null
caller: null
length: 0
name: "fun"
prototype: {constructor: ƒ}
__proto__: ƒ ()
[[FunctionLocation]]: VM1176:3
[[Scopes]]: Scopes[1]
constructor: ƒ Object()
hasOwnProperty: ƒ hasOwnProperty()
isPrototypeOf: ƒ isPrototypeOf()
propertyIsEnumerable: ƒ propertyIsEnumerable()
toLocaleString: ƒ toLocaleString()
toString: ƒ toString()
valueOf: ƒ valueOf()
__defineGetter__: ƒ __defineGetter__()
__defineSetter__: ƒ __defineSetter__()
__lookupGetter__: ƒ __lookupGetter__()
__lookupSetter__: ƒ __lookupSetter__()
get __proto__: ƒ __proto__()
set __proto__: ƒ __proto__()

One thing from objects I had question about this . Why we use this. like => this.firsName in function?

Let’s understand this by example =>

var a = {
	fName = 'Aakash',
	lName = 'Choudhary'

Now, I want to acces fName and lName property in function =>

var a = {
	fName : 'Aakash',
	lName : 'Choudhary',
  fullName : function{
  	return this.fName + " " + this.lName

So, this use for Object a mean instead of using a.fName we use this.fName

Mean call fName property from a object to function we created using this property

this used from the owner of variable

variable => fName owner => a [object]

Now, why I am telling above things here ? Why I am telling about functions ?

Because like variable is a term as properties for Object Similarly function is a term as methods

So, we can call properties like => a.fname Likewise we can call methods like => a.fullName()

Got the difference ?

Variable => Properties => dot notation simple [a.fName] (without () ) Function => Methods => dot notation with ()

How to create Object ?

var a = new Object() => using new we created Object in the variable a

Example =>

var person = new Object();

person.fName = 'Aakash';
person.lName = 'Choudhary';

// We can access it like below as well =>



We, can use Objects inside Objects

And we see we can create objects in 2 ways

  1. Var a = new Object() => This is called Object Constructor
  2. Var a = {} => This is called Object Literal

Now What is **Constructor ** ?

A JavaScript constructor method is a special type of method used to initialize and create an object. It is called when memory is allocated for an object

The class of which the constructor is made, if when the object of the same class is created, then it is automatically called.

Constructor is similar to its class name, but Constructor has no return type.

Object constructors require functions and their parameters.

this keyword; Returns a reference to the current object.

Here the value of each parameter will be assigned to the current object with this keyword.

More than one object is created in short form through the Object Constructor.

Constructors are just functions that describe how to create an Object.

Few Conventions of Constructor function are

  1. Define with a capitalized name to distinguish them from other functions
  2. Constructors use the keyword this to set the properties of the object they will create.
  3. Constructors define properties and behaviors instead of returning a value!

Note: The constructor function is JavaScript’s version of a class.

Note: Constructor function doesn’t return anything explicit.

So, the new operator is used when calling a constructor. This tells JavaScript to create a new instance of Object

Without the new operator, this inside the constructor would not point to the newly created object, giving unexpected results.

**The advantage of constructors is that objects created with the same constructor contain the same properties and methods. **

So, when we want to create multiple similar objects, we can create our own constructors and therefore our own reference types

But, now question arise why we need such things ? [ Objects, Functions] ?

As, we know Obeject is primitive data type, they[objects] are used to describe things with a lot of detail -> and this detail is call properties . The properties allow us to describe our objects.

Functions are for reusable code. You don’t want to write the same code over and over if you’re using it in multiple places. This is D.R.Y (don’t repeat yourself) method.

Objects are use to store key-value data. Let’s say you create an app that stores users. And object would be the best way to store it since you’ll probably have properties like name, email, password, etc

Credit : masterpanda

Suppose we have this code =>

const person = {
    name: "Aakash",
    interest: ["Hacking","Dancing"],
    greet: function() { 
    return "Welcome " +
person.greet() // "Welcome Aakash"

Now, suppose there are 1000 Users , we want to greet. Then to avoid Repeating steps again and again we replace with

This => this is a keyword which is refers to the object person hrough which the greet method is associated with.

Therefore this keyword helps to reuse code more easily.

// some more ways to create Objects
// 1st way - Object Literal
// 2nd way - Constructor Function

// Using Object Constructor Function
let person1 = new Object()  //creates a empty Object, you can then add properties and methods into this with help of dot notation!

//Passing Object literal

let person1 = new Object({
name: 'Chris',
  age: 38,
  greeting: function() {
    alert('Hi! I\'m ' + + '.');

// Using create(), we can create Objects without first creating the constructor Function
//With it, you can create a new object, using an existing object as the prototype of the newly created object.

let person2 = Object.create(person1);
//Remember `person1` is an Object already created which is passed inside!
//One limitation of create() is that IE8 does not support it. So constructors may be more effective if you want to support older browsers.

Enough about it. Now time for Prototype


  • JavaScript is an object-based language based on prototypes
  • Prototypes are the mechanism by which JavaScript objects inherit features from one another
  • We can add multiple properties in Prototype
  • Drawback of Adding Prototype properties manually
    • it erases the constructor property.
    • Solution ?
      • whenever a prototype is manually set to a new object, remember to define the constructor property
Person.prototype = {
  constructor: Person,
  eyes: 2, 
  greeting: function() {

What does this mean ?[JS is based on Prototype]

This means that whenever we create a function, JavaScript adds an internal property inside the function which is also known as Prototype Object.

This means we can attach methods and properties which enables all other objects to inherit these methods and properties as well.

In JavaScript, a prototype can be used to add properties and methods to a constructor function

Objects inherit properties and methods from a prototype

Mean -> All JavaScript objects inherit properties and methods from a prototype.

Remember => We can’t add a new property to an existing object constructor

JavaScript don’t have feature of inheritance, So, JS Use Prototype for inheritance

Why we use Prototype ?

In existing objects or object constructor ** => we want to add **property and methods

And **JavaScript Prototype ** property allows us to add new properties to object constructors and also new methods to object constructors

How? =>”value”

object.prototype.method=function(){ return;}


Prototype only modifies => own prototypes

Example =>

// Constructor function

function Person(){ = 'Aakash',
	this.hobby = 'Hacking',
	this.job = 'Yes'

// add  a property

Person.prototype.language = 'Hindi';

// create an object

var person2 = new Person(); => // Now person2 variable inherit all the functionalities of Person object

console.log(person2.hobby) => //Hacking

// Changing the property value of Prototype
Person.prototype.hobby = 'Coding'


Person.prototype = {'hobby' : 'Coding'}

// create new object

var person3 = new Person();

console.log(person3.hobby) => Coding
console.log(person2.hobby) => Hacking

See, person2 => still having same result but person3 have changed prototype value

Understand Where an Object’s Prototype Comes From

Just like people inherit genes from their parents, an object inherits its prototype directly from the constructor function that created it. For example, here the Person constructor creates the person object:

function Person(name) { = name;

let person = new Person("Aakash");

The person Object inherits its prototype from the Person constructor function. You can show this relationship with the isPrototypeOf method:

Person.prototype.isPrototypeOf(person);  // returns true

  • Almost every function (with the exception of some built-in functions) has a prototype property that is used during the creation of new instances.
  • That prototype is shared among all of the object instances, and those instances can access properties of the prototype
  • Browsers implement prototypes through the __proto__ property

Prototype Chain

Note :

an object’s prototype itself is an object.

So, a prototype is an object, and a prototype can have its own prototype

i.e the prototype of Person.prototype is Object.prototype

It’s mean we can use inbuilt property of prototype

This thing is called Prototype Chain

Like -> person1 -> inherit from Person prototype -> which again inherits from Object prototype

Summary =>

  • In JavaScript every function is actually a Function object

  • A functions is still an object (inherits from Object)

  • hasOwnProperty` is a method of `Object
  • An object is a container of properties, where a property has a name and a value.

  • Properties =>

    • A property has a name and a value.
    • A property name can be any string, including the empty string.
    • All property names are converted to string
    • Properties can also be assign by variable name (shorthand)
    • Properties are like nouns. They have a value or state.
  • Methods =>

    • When a property has a function as a value, it’s called a method.
    • Methods are like verbs. They perform actions.
  • There are two ways to create an object:

    • Using literals
    • Using Object constructor function
  • If a function is invoked with the new prefix, then a new object will be created. It’s called the constructor invocation pattern.

  • When invoked with new keyword, the function creates a new object

  • Invoked with new keywords, any function can be a constructor.

  • Object is a function.

    As a function, Object is an object, which can contain properties and methods.

    As a function, Object is a constructor and can be invoked with new keyword to create new instances.

    As a constructor, Object contains a prototype object that will be linked to any instances of Object.

  • Every object is linked to a prototype object from which it can “inherit” properties.

  • All objects created from object literals (or constructor) are linked to Object.prototype, an object that comes standard with JavaScript.

  • To get the prototype of an object:
  • Methods are stored in the prototype ( Array.prototype, Object.prototype, Date.prototype, Function.prototype, Promise.prototypeetc.).

  • Chaining -> arr->Array.prototype->Object.prototype

  • Primitives also store their methods in the prototype object-wrappers: Number.prototype, String.prototype, Boolean.prototype.

    • Only values undefinedand nullno wrapper objects.
  • **Changing Prototypes **

    • Any changes to the prototype will be immediately visible to all objects referencing this prototype.

    • With the proto property of Prototype Object, it has information on the parent object that created it.
  • Object.prototype = {
      hasOwnProperty: function(){...}, // If an object contains property
      isPrototypeOf: function(){...}, // If object is in the prototype
      toString: function(){...}, // Get string representation of the object.
      valueOf: function(){...}, //  Get primitive value of the specified object.
      /* ... */

References =>
