Subdomain Enumeration
- subfinder
- sudomy
- chaos
use dnsx => command to get live domains => for all active subdomains -> good for subdomain takeovers
httpx => for protocol [443 and 80] only
Port Scan
- Using Sublist3r - scan ports for 21 - ftp => annoymous:anonymous
put ftp instead of http protocol
Vul Scan
- xss - custom payloads use for own
- not use alert => instead use onprompt,confirm,prompt, eval
- quickxss tool use
- sqlmap
- gf patterns
- smuggler
- Openredirex
- kxss
- qsreplace
- nuclei
- dalfox
- anew
- notify
- urldedupe
- gauplus
- crlfuzz
- ffuf
- Can automate above with GET Based not for POST Based
- Alternative to Burp Collaborator [pro] in Burp Community =>
- Interactsh from pd
- Headers given by author and just paste url from interactsh to these headers
- Use this in Match and Replace burp
- Add -> Type [Request header] -> Replace [add those headers here]
- Good alternative for Burp Collaborator Everywhere
- Copy as ffuf command [burp extension]
- Give requests and useful for FUZZ which we want parameters
- Another burp extension -> send to -> suppose want to do sqlmap -> this will get command for sqlmap
- BurpSuiteAutocompletion -> Burp Extension
- Mobile Apps Search Engine => betigil
- Another tool for Mobile Pentesting - apkleaks
- BB Tip => sing in with something [google,fb etc] -> redirect path => try xss [javascript:payload]